About this resource
This resource is part of a series of online 'Working Well' resources designed to assist GP Registrars and other health professionals working in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services (ACCHSs).
Each Working Well resource is organised into a number of topics, each of which contain focus questions, key points and short voiceovers from people with experience in Aboriginal Health. After working through the topics you will be asked to complete a short self-assessment quiz to give you further understanding of the material. These quizzes are for self assessment purposes only - you may like to do them on your own or with the help of your Supervisor or colleagues.
How to use this resource
- Navigate through the resource by clicking the 'Start' button in the initial screen and then clicking the 'Next topic' button to work through all the topics
- Read and think about the focus question for each topic
- Click the people in the picture to hear what they have to say about the topic
- Click the 'Key points and advice' link to read a summary of the points made
- Click the 'Take notes' link to take notes about anything you have learnt. You can save and print these notes after you have finished working through the resource. They are for your own personal reference only
- Once you have worked through the topics you will be asked to complete a short self-assessment quiz to help you understand what you have learnt
- You can view additional resources and links at any time by clicking on the link in the footer
We hope this resource will help you in finding your feet as you contemplate working in ACCHSs in the future.